5 Hardcore Military-Style Fitness Routines Every Woman Should Try

Military-style fitness routines are challenging, but they prepare you for the demands of careers especially in the fields of military, law enforcement and firefighting. Women can perform to the same standard with complete dedication and proper training.  There is not a major difference between men's and women's fitness needs. All that is required are cardiovascular exercise for the circulatory system, resistance training for stronger bones and muscles and flexibility to assist with injury prevention. On the other hand, core strength training is also essential for men and women as a foundation to build upper and lower-body strength and running endurance and give better performance in rigorous professions. Whether you are aiming for a career in the military, law enforcement or just looking to challenge yourself, these hardcore army training exercise routines are perfect for both men and women.  

5 Hardcore Military-Style Fitness Routines specifically for women 

 1. Cardiovascular Exercise 

Cardiovascular exercises help you to improve overall health, including heart health, mental well-being, weight management and metabolism. It is advantageous especially for military roles requiring improved fitness levels.  

Here are some suggested exercises for your cardiovascular training regimen that are also appropriate military workouts for beginners.  

  • Warm up - You can start with beginner-friendly classes like Zumba, aerobics, or spinning. 
  • Running - Run at moderate pace for 30 mins 
  • Swimming - 20 laps of 50 meters, 2 to 3 reps  
  • Cycling - 30 minutes at a moderate pace 
  • Ruck Marching - Ruck march with a weighted backpack for 10-20 lbs. 

2. Resistance training Exercise:  

Resistance Training or strength training exercise, involves physical activities to improve strength and endurance. This type of training often includes lifting weights. It is especially useful for people in law enforcement and military roles where moving quickly and effectively around obstacles is important. Here are some essential exercises to include in your resistance training routine: 

  • Deadlifts - 3 sets of 12 reps using a manageable weight to focus on form 
  • Pull-Ups or Assisted Pull-Ups - 3 sets of 8-10 reps 
  • Kettlebell Swings or Water Bottle Swings  - 3 sets of 20 reps   
  • Medicine Ball Slams - 3 sets of 15 reps 

3. High-Intensity Interval Training:  

High intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts involve various activities such as running using a stair-climbing machine, rowing or jumping rope. This type of training incorporates short bursts of intense exercise alternated with recovery periods. It’s considered an effective method to efficiently increase your fitness level, particularly valuable for those preparing for physically demanding careers.  

Here are some essential exercises to include in your HIIT routine. 

  • Jumping jacks: 4 sets for 40 - 50 reps  
  • Burpees: 4 sets for 15-20 reps   
  • Mountain climbers: 4 sets for 20 - 25 reps 
  • Jump squats: 4 sets for 20 - 25 reps 

4. Functional strength training: 

Functional strength training workouts usually involve compound exercises targeting multiple muscle groups, which can help improve balance and coordination. Some examples of functional strength exercises are squats, deadlifts, presses, rows and farmer's walks. These exercises can help build muscle and improve strength, which may be useful for various physical tasks, including those required for military duties.  

Here are some essential exercises for a functional strength training routine: 

  • Running or Rucking (weighted walk) for core strength: 30 - 45 minutes 
  • Dumbbell Shoulder Press for upper body strength: 3 sets for 12 - 15 reps 
  • Lunges: 3 sets for 12-15 reps (each leg) 
  • Planks: 3 sets for 15 - 20 reps 
  • Deadlifts: 3 sets for 8 - 10 reps 

5. Circuit Training Exercise:  

This comprehensive workout incorporates endurance training, resistance training, high-intensity aerobics, and circuit-based exercises similar to high-intensity interval training. It's specifically structured to enhance endurance and strength, which are essential for physically demanding occupations.  

Here are some crucial exercises to include in your circuit training regimen. 

  • Push-Ups : 3 sets for 18 -  20 reps 
  • Squats : 3 sets for 25 -30 reps 
  • Burpees : 3 sets for 15 - 20  reps 
  • Mountain Climbers:  2 minutes  
  • Jump rope :  2 minutes  
  • Side plank: 3 sets for 30 seconds each side 

Please note: 

  • Ensure to take adequate break time between workout routines  
  • Take appropriate sleep 
  • Follow a structured routine for holistic development and wellbeing  
  • Stay hydrated by consuming 4 to 5 litres of water on a daily basis 
  • Include a nutrient rich diet by consulting an expert nutritionist  
  • Do not miss to warm up your body prior workout and cool down post workout  


While striving to build strength or achieve a well-rounded and robust physique, it's essential to maintain consistency. By focusing on proper form and putting in extra dedication and effort, you can effectively progress towards your fitness goals. These five rigorous military-style routines have been designed to help individuals elevate their fitness levels to meet the rigorous standards set by the military.  

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